Are You Learning From The Past Or Dwelling On It?

We all have a past. Chances are if you are reading this, you weren't born yesterday.

Therefore you have a past, you’ve made mistakes, and you’ve hopefully gained some wisdom along the way.

We all have moments in our life that knock us down, build us up, teach us something, or scare the hell out of us. 

The question is:

Did you learn anything from your past, or are you dwelling on it?

If you have learned from your past, you probably became a better person and have moved on to bigger and better things.

If you are dwelling on your past, then you may have some unresolved issues holding you back. 

Maybe you have a sibling you need to speak with. Maybe you have an unresolved issue with a parent, neighbor, friend, etc.

Whatever it is, if you’re dwelling on it then it's holding you back.

Imagine how your life would change if this issue were resolved. Imagine if you fixed the problem and moved on. How would you feel? What bigger things could you focus on?

I promise you, a lingering problem WILL NOT go away on its own. It may fizzle down to a small flame, but eventually, it's going to cause an explosion. 

Unresolved issues can hold you back and keep you captive.

Rarely do we have an issue we can just walk away from and be fine. At some point, it ends up coming back to haunt us.

Say what needs to be said, fix the issue, and move on. Dwelling on the past is like dragging an anchor in a race.

Let go of the anchor and keep moving forward!   


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