Conflicting Info

Wake up at this time, sleep in, wear these clothes, clothes don’t make the person, organize your day the night before, stop being so structured, save for the future, savers are losers.

Invest in this, no not that, listen to this successful person, that guy is a loser, follow these people if you want to be successful, get a mentor, find and duplicate someone, be different, don't be a copycat, go copy that person, use this app, technology sucks, make your calls in the am, save your calls for after 5.

Have a powerful morning, don’t set an alarm, date your spouse forever, grow up and stop dating, make time for your family, sacrifice time with your family first, learn everything you can, learn the bare minimum.

And the list goes on and on, and on, and on, and on!

Where does the information end? I think the internet has its positive features but some days it seems like an overload of “do this not that.” Who are we supposed to follow? What advice should we take? Who can we count on? What makes sense?

These questions have bothered me for a long time.

You find someone to follow and before you know it they ghost you. They tell you one thing but really mean another. How will we ever know what advice to accept, what person to follow, what book to read, etc?

At the end of the day, you have to try what seems right to you. Events happen at certain times in our lives for a reason. I truly believe that.

In my teenage years, I learned about self development but it wasn’t the right time for me to fully pursue it. There's a reason somewhere out there as to why self development entered my life at that time. There's also a reason as to why I chose to pursue it when I did.

I may never know the reason, but it’s what fits my life and my path. 

All of these influencers, gurus, coaches, and mentors give advice based on their path and what things they did. They were also at a point in their lives where everything was new. Most things were being tried for the first time.

Learning about a new phase of self development was new to them.

There were so many books they never heard of, but they learned what they were. There was so much advice out there to be had, and eventually they got it. Everyone’s timeline and everyone’s path is different. We experience different things at different times in our lives. 

It’s up to us to make the decision to try new things.

If we never make a decision to expand outside of our comfort zone, little expansion will ever happen. We have to make it a point to search for what's unknown to us. That's how we learn and that's how we gain experience.

At one point you never rode a bike, but then one day you tried it, and you probably fell. But you kept trying until you finally mastered it and now it's something you'll never forget. You made the decision to try something new and stick with it. 

That's the key. Trying something new.

I didn’t know how life changing reading Rich Dad Poor Dad would be for me until I read it, then read it again. Investing in real estate was scary and unknown territory for me. But I tried it and found out how much I loved it.

There are a number of things in life we will try and not like, or won’t fit our path.

On the flip side, if we never try it, how will we ever know what works? 

So I say wake up early for 30 days and track the progress of it. If it works for you, keep doing it. Read that book that has been recommended to you and take notes on what you read.

Dress for success because opportunities are everywhere. Set up a powerful morning the night before if that helps you be more productive.

Make time for your family, our days on earth are numbered. Invest in the things that excite you because that will help keep you going.

Try new things and take small steps doing it. 

>Steps and leaps< 


Beware Of The Advice And Where It Comes From


Theory vs Practice