Maintain The Core 4 With Consistency

“Destiny is not a matter of chance, but a matter of choice.”

Each day is filled with choices and decisions. We have the power to choose many things in our lives. The choices we make affect our future. Even the smallest decisions can have a ripple effect on our lives.

Think of your life broken down into the core 4:

  • Identity

  • Livelihood

  • Engagement

  • Fitness

What are you doing each day to excel in these areas? 

Your identity describes you and your personality.

What things are you doing each day or each week for you?

Something as small as taking 30 minutes each week to sit quietly and read a book. This could include playing a sport, meeting friends at a local spot, etc. This part of the core 4 is for you and your enjoyment. 

Your livelihood is your wealth, finances, and income.

What are you doing to get paid? Are you working a side hustle?

Maybe you're taking an extra shift each week at your job or taking on a new project. This could also mean spending time studying a new subject. Maybe the new subject will help get you a promotion or inspire you to start a business. The small step could be taking 1 hour each day to work on your livelihood. 

The engagements you have are your relationships.

This would involve the people in your life, for example, your family.

Are you taking time each week to play an active role in your kids' lives?

Are you planning date nights with your spouse to stay connected? It could also mean spending time with a mentor and connecting on a different level. 

Fitness is directly associated with your health.

I will be the first to admit that I don't live at the gym, and my diet isn’t the cleanest. However, I have a goal to work out at least 4 days a week. The goal is to move my body and follow a plan. My goal isn't to be chiselled with 6 pack abs or have arms like a bodybuilder.

My goal is to be in shape and feel good about myself.

Over time I have realized that I feel better about myself when I consistently exercise. So I made a decision to stay active. 

Each area of the core 4 requires us to make decisions.

Spending 16 hours a day at the office each day for four years only to find out our wives aren’t connected to us anymore started with a decision.

We chose to fuel one area of the core 4 much more than the others.

Just like a car needs fuel to keep running, each area of the core 4 needs fuel too. Just as a car has a low fuel light, our lives give us signals as well.

For example, your health. You start noticing a decline in energy, or you aren't as comfortable being naked in front of your spouse. These are indications that something may need to change. This change could be 30 mins of exercise each day until you reach a certain goal. Maybe it's changing your diet habits. Again, it's about choices.

The secret to maintaining consistency in the core 4 is taking small steps.

One small step in each one of the core 4 on a daily or weekly basis will eventually lead to big leaps.

  • Take time each week to do something for yourself.

  • Make a decision to improve your livelihood by spending time studying something new or finishing something you start.

  • Engage with your family, friends, and colleagues. Learn from them and provide value to one another.

  • Get in the habit of moving your body. Exercise consistently and feel the power of a healthier lifestyle.

Make decisions that increase your life.    


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