Compounding Problems

By Definition: To compound a problem, difficulty, or mistake means to make it worse by adding to it. 

Anyone who reads a business book, self-help book, motivational quote, or story about relationships has probably read or heard about the theory of compounding. We learn about compounding interest in business, compounding actions in relationships, and so on. 

Some say the theory of compounding was discovered in the Babylonian age.

That was over 4,000 years ago. For thousands of years we learned about compounding. How to achieve it, how to use it, and how to continue the process passively. But seldom do we learn about compounding problems.

It’s mentioned in books and writings, but its broken down to a single paragraph. Personally, I don't think it’s been given enough attention over the years. 

Compounding problems can have just as big of an effect as compounding interest or compounding actions.

Slowly but surely. It starts small and could end up being a monumental issue. For example, you know your car has an issue but you drive it anyway. You keep telling yourself you’ll fix it when you get a chance. Some days that “weird noise” seems to be going away. Other days its so loud you’re embarrassed to drive it, but you do it anyway. 

Every time you start that car, the problem gets a little worse. It starts affecting other areas of the car and one day the car doesn’t start at all. Instead of fixing one small issue you let it ride until it became a monumental problem. Now there are multiple issues and in some cases the car isn’t worth fixing anymore. 

What was once a small, semi-cheap, easy fix, has now cost you an entire vehicle.

One small step or adjustment is sometimes all we need to fix the issue at hand.

But because that issue isn’t affecting us in a great way we let it go. We ignore it or “put it on the back burner.” 

Think about a small problem you may be having right now. Something so minor it may not even be a problem.

What is one small step you can take to help alleviate a bigger issue later?

Taking out the trash helps keep the rodents away. Fixing the car allows you to have reliable transportation to get to work. Showering keeps the stink away. Reading a positive quote each morning may help adjust your mindset in a positive way.

Consistent small steps will eventually add up to big leaps!

It’s up to you as to whether you’re leaping forward.


Self Sabotage


“Reaping Is Reserved For The Planters.”