Encourage Success

At what point in our lives did we stop congratulating people for their success and start turning our backs on them?

You gain a little success and people come up with the same bs - “Look at so/so, they moved away, they must be too good for the neighborhood.” or “They must be too good to be our friend.”

My personal favorite is, “You changed.”

Damn right I changed!

The changes I made got me out of the neighborhood, out of a crappy situation, out of a rut, opened up opportunities, and so on. 

For years, my close friends and I have congratulated each other on success.

Someone starts a new job and we congratulate them. Someone starts a healthier way of life, we congratulate them and tell them how good they look. Someone buys a new house, we throw a party.

Personally, this is the way it should be. I have the type of friends that don’t talk everyday, but when we do talk we pick up right where we left off. We encourage each other when needed, and usually I’m the one telling someone they need to get their shit together. 

Who can you congratulate today for something they did or are currently doing?

Think about how much it would mean to someone whose made a New Year’s resolution but their motivation is draining. Deep down, they want to quit. How much would a quick “Congrats on a healthier lifestyle! We’re all rooting for you. You’ve inspired us to make some changes too, keep going!” mean to them?

That simple phone call, text, or email has just shifted someone's life into a positive direction. 

People are always watching. Whether it be on social media, your family, or your neighbors.

People are nosey, they want to know what's going on. But rarely do they congratulate you on your changes or your success.

Instead they stay silent and feel envious of your change. Deep down they’re more mad at themselves for not making a change, than they are at you for making a change. Do you have friends and family members like this?

If so, get them out of your life. Surround yourself with people who are cheering for you and with people who are cheering with you. Get the energy suckers out of your life.

Run with a group that is happy for you and you are happy for them. Empower each other, and set a standard that causes each other to level up. 

Learn to show your happiness for other’s success. You never know when that person is at their breaking point!


Ready to throw in the towel?


The Morning Start