The Morning Start

Beep, beep, beep!

The alarm clock has gone off and the day has begun! 

Ring, ring, ring!

The metaphorical phone is ringing, your dreams are calling. Not dreams of convenience or easy living.

NO, these are the dreams that keep you up at night. These are the dreams that cause your insides to burn with fire.

You didn’t find these dreams, they found you, and they’re telling you to GET UP!

It’s time to start your day with the best possible mindset. 

  • Get your quote of the day in mind and learn to live by these daily quotes. 

  • Stack your items of gratitude. A life full of gratitude is a life worth living. 

  • Use powerful affirmations because how you talk to yourself eventually becomes reality. 

  • Get your goals in front of you. Your goals will be the fuel for producing powerful days. 

  • Get your power-list together. This is your to-do list. This list should be filled with items that get you one step closer to achieving you goals. 

  • If you haven’t already, get your schedule into the app. Make it simple and know that you own the day! The day doesn’t own you. 

Take a step today that will help leap you forward. You owe it to yourself to fight for yourself. To fight for your goals and dreams. 

Remember this: “Want shows up in conversation, expectation shows up in behavior.”

Get up and go after your dreams.

“Small consistent steps will eventually turn into revolutionary big leaps”


Encourage Success


Client Spotlight - Sarah Beckstead