Client Spotlight - Sarah Beckstead

What clients are saying:

Review by Sarah Beckstead

The Geared 4 Life tracking sheets are life changing!! 

 I have been asking Cody regularly when the app will be complete because in my family, we have seen so much success in reaching our goals and staying focused on what is important.

  • They have helped fast track me to my goals, to stay focused on my goals.

  • They have helped me be grateful - in every situation - not only in my success but especially through my failures.

  • They have helped me focus on what is truly what is most important.

  • They have helped create more consistency in my life.

 Not only have they helped me - but they have also helped all three of my children - while the application has been being made - I have been printing them out for myself and my children. 

My children are 20, 15 and 11 years old. 

 If I don't print them out - my children are the ones coming to me, asking me for their tracking sheet.

 One example of my children’s success using the tracking sheets is:

 My 11-year-old son had a football championship game and school standardized tests one week. 

Each night that week we took the time to fill out the tracking sheets to really help him stay focused.

  • His team won their championship game.

  • He did amazing on his standardized testing.

  • He got enough sleep and was able to stay focused and excel in school and sports.

 These tracking sheets are life changing and can help anyone who needs help focusing on their goals - really stay focused and fast track their success.

 This process is beyond valuable.

 So, no matter what the goal has been - if we write them down on the tracking sheet and stay consistent when using them, we have seen success.  I have seen major growth and success in my family, which could possibly be the most chaotic and dysfunctional family.

 So, if it can help us stay focused and reach their goals.  

It can help anyone fast track their success, focus and gratitude.


The Morning Start


All Or Nothing