All Or Nothing

Too often we look at progress as all or nothing.

We want the end result now and want it to be bigger and better than we can imagine. How about instead of all or nothing, we change it to something, just something! 

Instead of having it all right now, which is usually not possible, we take small steps to achieving the goal. For example, you want to build a car. Hear me out…you want to build a car. You can't just walk out to your driveway and magically have car parts start flying through the air like that classic scene in the movie “The Heavenly Kid”.

So what usually happens? You give up.

“Screw this! I’ll just buy one, it's only an additional monthly debt payment.” So you talk yourself out of building a car which at one point was your biggest goal. The all or nothing mindset kicked. 

But what if you started with some blueprints and/or instructions?

Then you started with one single part, then another, then another, then another. And so on until you have all your parts. Then you decide that you’re going to spend two hours each day building this car until it's done. Let’s say nine months later you have a drive-able car. 

The small steps added up to big leaps and boom, you have a car. Of course Lewis Smith from “The Heavenly Kid” wasn’t building a car with his fingers and car parts flying through the air.

You might not have ended up with a cherry red ‘57 Chevy Bel Air either but, you stayed consistent with your steps.

You made a decision and committed to it. 

I challenge you to take your big scary goals and break them down into mind numbing single small steps.

You wanted it all and you got it because you started with something.

Small steps add up to revolutionary big leaps! 


Client Spotlight - Sarah Beckstead


The Holiday Hold Up