The Holiday Hold Up

It’s that time of year, you know, the time of year with holiday gatherings, traveling, family time, and you continuing to crush your goals! You’re probably thinking yeah right! 

This is the time of year where you continue to follow your diet, make your sales calls, write your book, wake up on time, exercise daily, and so on. Now you start laughing uncontrollably.

Let’s sing it all together now “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!!”

For many folks around the world, this is the most wonderful time of the year. Let’s face it, it’s the most wonderful time of the year because we get to use it as an excuse to screw off. 

We stop following a diet, we drink too much too often, we skip the gym, and the lackadaisical list goes on.

However, we continue to justify all of this because we're spending time with family, we’re traveling too much, or any other non sensible excuse we can come up with. 

If we can trick ourselves so easily into being that relaxed, what could we achieve by tricking ourselves to continue taking slow and steady steps this holiday season? 

So you can’t go to the gym today, can you do a quick workout in your hotel room? Your mom is making a holiday breakfast in the morning, could you wake up 30 mins early and go from a run? The house is filled with family, could you take 20 mins and go to a Starbucks to make your sales calls?

This is to get you ready for the new year.

We spend so much time wasting time during the holidays, then try to make it up in January with the whole new year new me junk. 

What if you continued taking small steps during this holiday season? What if you ate a little less sweets, or said no to another glass of wine? 

I’m not saying don’t enjoy time with family and friends. God knows you probably worked your ass off all year long just to enjoy some time away. 

But why start your year off behind the 8 ball? Don’t spend the holiday season getting out of shape and feeling bad about yourself come January 2nd, only to find yourself spending the first year of the month making up for wasted time. 

I challenge you to take some time this holiday season to continue on your path. Eat some sweets but follow a decent diet. Relax with the family but take some time to exercise. Take a drive to the grocery store and make some sales calls on the way. Write some notes for your book in your phone and email it to yourself so it’ll be there when you get back to the office. 

You’ll either find a reason to make it happen or come up with an excuse not to. 


All Or Nothing


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