Change Your Sphere Of Influence

Change your sphere of influence. That is the number one piece of advice I would give to someone who is just starting out. And I know this is easier said than done.

Changing your surroundings can be intimidating and uncomfortable. But you’re never going to get where you want to be by staying where you’re at. That is why changing your sphere of influence is crucial to your success.

Someone once said, “You are a result of the five closest people you associate yourself with.” What does your circle look like? Who are the people you are surrounding yourself with?

Ask yourself:

  • Are they forcing me to level up?

  • Are they adding value to my life?

The answer to those questions should always be yes. If the people in your sphere of influence aren’t propelling you forward, they’re probably the reason you’re being held back or not making the moves you should be. It’s that simple.

Do you want to level up? Think about who you can add to your circle that will help you reach that next level.

Who do you know that is already doing what you want to be doing? If you don’t know someone who is already where you want to be, you need to actively seek them out. There are plenty of networking opportunities and platforms that allow you to make connections.

Do some research.

Find out if there are networking events or groups in your area. Use social media to reach out to people. It’s up to you to build your sphere of influence - people won’t just fall into your lap.

If you want to be a doctor, doesn’t it make sense to hang out with other doctors? If you want to be a musician, doesn’t it make sense to hang out with other musicians? You can’t learn from people who aren’t doing what you want to do. If you’re going to scale up, you need to be constantly learning from the people around you.

Expanding your sphere of influence is going to broaden your horizons. You’ll cultivate new thoughts and ideas. You may even discover obstacles that you didn’t realize were there. You don’t know what you don’t know - and you can’t learn from people who don’t know either.

Surrounding yourself with the right people will change the trajectory of your success.

They will motivate, encourage, and support your goals. And if you start to veer off track, they’ll keep you accountable. 

Your sphere of influence will be the driving force to achieving those goals you once thought were years out of your reach.

So build yourself a good one. 


The Holiday Hold Up