No Extra Effort

It takes no extra effort to grind. Impostor Syndrome is a real thing. 

Impostor Syndrome: “Imposter syndrome is loosely defined as doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud. It disproportionately affects high-achieving people, who find it difficult to accept their accomplishments. Many question whether they're deserving of accolades.”

We want to grind harder, work faster, show more progress, and so on. We get burnt out trying to “grind harder.”

Know this, there will always be someone that runs faster, dresses better, makes more money, seems happier, etc.

We constantly compare ourselves to the so-called “good” and we disregard the challenges. The fastest runner in the world will eventually miss a workout. The best dressed women will eventually have a wardrobe malfunction. The rich kid online rented that Ferrari; he doesn't own it.   

The point is, the best of the best will eventually slip up. So stop trying to outwork everyone. Concentrate on getting 1% better each day. Concentrate on showing up on a consistent basis. You won’t have constant success in every area of your life every day, but you can get incrementally better in every area of your life over time. 

It doesn’t take any extra effort to grind, but it does take effort to show up.

And show up consistently. If you really want to grind harder, work faster, get better, etc, SHOW UP!

Show up for date nights, show up for your kids, show up for work projects, show up for friends, and most importantly, show up for yourself. 

Hold yourself accountable and stay consistent. Track your progress and your results. You will see overtime that you are not working any harder, you're just showing up. You're tracking progress and finding out what works for you. When you find out what works you now have an operating system. Now you know what you need to do each and every day to win the day.

In my opinion, this is far better than the person working on a major burn out. Your operating system will keep you grinding longer and will keep you more consistent on your progress. 

You don't need to compare yourself to anyone, you just need to show up. Track your progress and fine tune your operating system!  


Push Your Damn Cart Back!


Stay In Your Own Lane