Stay In Your Own Lane

As I’m listening to people talk at the gym I can’t help but think….

Why not just stay in your own lane?

It might sting to hear it, but it’s the truth.

Too often we get caught up in other people's business.

Like Limp Bizkit said, “It’s all about the he said she said bullshit!”

What benefit is there in the water cooler gossip, or worrying about what other people are doing? How does that add value to your life? We’re constantly worried about what everyone else is doing and all it does is negatively affect our own lives. 

We don’t focus on our own success, our own path, or what we’re doing to make real change in the world. Instead of talking about everyone else and why they’re wrong, stay in your lane and focus your energy on positive change.

In today’s world people waste hours of their time arguing over preferred pronouns. HOW ABOUT WE JUST CALL SOMEONE BY THEIR NAME!!! “Hey Chris, Hi John, yes I agree with Brittany.” 

Again I ask, What benefit do we gain by worrying about other people's business?

We wake up at 5am and by 6:30am we’re pissed off because someone didn’t wipe off the treadmill. Well, I guess that’s just one more reason to give the chick with a six-pack the stink eye. 

But what someone else does is a reflection of them; how you respond is a reflection of you.

Let’s face it, some people suck. Get over it.

Some people just aren’t going to act right. Instead of moving on, you let it affect you negatively. How about you wipe off the treadmill before and after you use it? Let go of the fact that someone else didn’t do what you felt should be done. 

Maybe that chick is doing everything she can to keep her head above water right now and remembering to wipe off the treadmill bypassed her thoughts completely. Or maybe she’s just a shitty person! It doesn’t matter.

Stop compounding the world's negativity. We all know there’s plenty of it floating around already.

Try being a shining light in someone’s day. 

So what if someone posted something controversial on social media? Now you’re upset because you minded their business. You do know you can unfollow that person right? 

Someone posted a picture of their new car, or an exotic vacation they went on, or their new job, or whatever.

Here you go again, getting pissed off because that’s not your new car, or your vacation, or your new job. Again, minding someone else’s business. 

Stay in your own lane. Focus on your own road ahead.

Instead of getting mad, be better. Instead of determining to run them off the road because they’re riding your ass, just let them pass. Who cares? Again, focus on your own lane, your own end goals, and your own destination.

Instead of pouring poison on top of poison, be the antidote.

Look someone in the eyes when you give them a firm handshake. Hold the door for the person behind you. Offer to walk someone’s cart back to the grocery store. Say please and thank you. The smallest and simplest gestures go a long way. That’s your business! 

Be accountable for your own choices and responses. Make it your responsibility to steer clear from toxic energy and add value instead of more hate. 

Mind your business, stay in your own lane, and let your positive light shine. 


No Extra Effort


Ready to throw in the towel?