Break It Down

A few days ago I had a coaching call with a client that seemed to be getting overwhelmed with his life.

A lot of big changes were coming his way - new job, new baby, considering a big move to a new state, wanting to start a side hustle, and so on. After a few minutes of him laying out his frustrations and overwhelming concerns, I asked one question…

What do you feel is your next step?

A few seconds of silence later, I realized he didn’t have an answer.

So I spoke up. I told him, “You feel overwhelmed because you’re looking at the end result and not breaking down the steps on how to get there.”

You’re looking at the entire journey as a whole rather than looking at it in small steps. Regardless of your current mindset, you will be forced to take small steps to reach the end goal. The universe has a funny way of doing that to us. 

You’re starting a new job, but you haven’t started yet. There are steps you need to take to exit your previous job, and steps you need to take to start your new job.

These small steps will add up to your big leaps. 

Your baby is due later this year. He or she isn't here yet. There are steps you need to take for this journey. Steps like going through the appointments, prepping a nursery, getting clothes, toys, diapers, etc. There are a ton of small steps you have to check off your list before your baby arrives.

You want to move to a new state. Great! You have a house to get ready for sale, you have new homes to look at, maybe you have new cities and towns to explore. Whatever the objective, it can be broken down into small steps.  

Needless to say, we broke down his worries and anxiety into small steps. By doing this, we can successfully alleviate the pressure of getting to the end result in one leap. That end result isn’t going to be instant, it takes steps to get there.  

We don't leap from the bottom of the mountain to the top, we take steps to get there.

We set markers for ourselves. After every 30 minutes climbing the mountain, we take a break for water and rest.

That’s a leap!

We took steps that added up to big leaps and eventually those steps and leaps added up to us getting to the top of the mountain. 

We disregard this small step/big leap concept in real life as if by some miracle we’ll reach the end result in instant warp speed.

As if we don't have time to prepare to even think.

Most of these changes we experience in life didn’t just happen. At one point they were a thought or an idea.

They’ve been compounded on, added too, or somewhere along the way someone took small steps in the process. Take a second and break down your issue or worry into small steps. Set leaps for yourself. 

“Small consistent steps will eventually add up to revolutionary big leaps”  


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