You Don’t Fight For What You Want, You Fight For What You Can’t Live Without

Just wanting something isn’t motivation enough to fight hard for it.

Think back to when you were a kid. You probably experienced these scenarios many times.

  1. You wanted something, so you asked your parents for it. They said no, and that was the end of it.

  2. You wanted something, so you asked your parents for it. They said yes, and that was it.

  3. You wanted something, you asked your parents for it. They said no, but you weren’t willing to give up. You made a monumental scene, you bargained, begged, and pleaded until finally your parents realized that the thing you wanted meant so much to you that you were willing to fight for it. Eventually, they gave in and boom, you got what you couldn’t live without. 

We have all had a time in our lives where we wanted something so bad we felt like we couldn’t live another second without it.

These are the things we spend our time, effort, and even money to acquire.

There are also things in life we want, but overtime we talk ourselves out of it. Or we manipulate the idea until we talk ourselves out of wanting it. These are the things we don’t get.

So ask yourself, what things do you want and what things can’t you live without?  

Are you stuck with wanting?

Or are you taking steps to acquiring what you can’t live without?


“Reaping Is Reserved For The Planters.”


Break It Down